Wun Lovlea Daey

 By Martin Sercombe


Wun lovlea daey, a yung gurl naymd Lizzie desidid to go on a wok in der woodyz. She wuz lookin' fur advenchurr, and she wantid to discova sumfin new and eggsitin'.

As she wuz wawkin', she notissed an olde letha book lyin' on der grownd. It lookt dustee and uncaired for, but Lizzie wuz curoius, so she pick it up and star-tid to rede it.

At furst, she cood-unt make sense of da werds. Dey wer alle mixtid up and jumblee, and she cood hardlee reed dem at all. But den she real eyzed da werds wurrr act chew lee riddlz, and she startid to unravelle dem wun by wun.

As she solvd eech riddell, da werds in da book startid to transform. Der mixt-up letturrz and wurds grad-julie turned in to perfict, poetikal lang-widge.

And az Lizzie red onn, she discuverd dat da book had lotts of clevva fings init to tell her.

Da final riddl wuz da hardest of all, but Lizzie workd hard and used all her brane pow-her to soulv it.

Wen she finallee did, she red theez wurds on the very last payge:

 “Live your life as you have read this book, and you will solve life’s riddles one puzzle at a time.”

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