Jacob and his Muse

By Martin Sercombe


Jacob loved to explore the streets of Paris on his trusty bicycle. He enjoyed the freedom of the streets and the opportunity to contemplate the deep questions of life as he pedalled through the bustling city.

One day, he came across a scruffy black and white cat, sitting on a doorstep and gazing up at him with curious green eyes. Jacob was instantly drawn to the cat's intelligence and he knew he had found a kindred spirit. He introduced himself and to his surprise, the cat responded with a deep, rumbling purr. Jacob took this as a sign that the cat was open to conversation, and they soon struck up a deep friendship.

Jacob named the cat Muse, and they became inseparable companions, cycling together through the back streets of Paris, stopping at bars for a glass of Pernod. Muse was always ready to share his thoughts with the patrons around him.

On one occasion, as they were sitting by a window, looking across the Seine, Muse said. “The world of reality has its limits but the world of the imagination is boundless.”  The patrons all nodded thoughtfully.

A few moments later, Muse stretched out across the table and said “Happiness radiates like the fragrance of a flower. It draws all good things towards you.” The bartender smiled broadly, and fetched a saucer of fresh cream for the cat.

Another time, they were cycling through the winding streets of Montmartre and Jacob was feeling a little lost and uncertain about his future. Muse looked up at him with his wise green eyes and said, "The journey is the destination, my friend. Don't worry too much about where you're going, just enjoy the ride."
Jacob looked at his cat and said, "You never cease to amaze me, Muse."

Muse simply purred in response. 

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