The Gang

By Martin Sercombe 


There were three sphynx cats who ruled the underworld with their lucrative catnip empire. They grew the most potent strain of catnip in the city, and their customers paid exorbitant prices for the privilege of indulging in their product.

As the years went by, the gangsters grew bolder and more innovative, experimenting with different cultivation techniques and perfecting their formula. The catnip became more and more potent, and soon enough, strange things started to happen.

Their customers began to behave in bizarre ways. Some would dance wildly through the night, their bodies contorting in impossible shapes. Others would meowl at the moon, while some would levitate off the ground, their eyes glazed over in a trance-like state.

To this day, the city remains a surreal and freakish place, where cats can act out their wildest dreams and confront their deepest fears.

You humans are very welcome to join them. The gangsters provide a free, cat-shaped onesie for each new customer.

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