Fred and the Ferret

 By Martin Sercombe

Fred was feeling foolish and fanciful one fine Friday afternoon, and decided on a fun-filled, possibly feckless quest to find the funniest word beginning with F.

He put on his favorite fedora, grabbed his frisbee, and headed into the fresh air, filled with fuzzy fervor.

Fred soon found a fluffy fox frolicking in a field, a friendly frog sitting on a frond, and a fleet of frisky fireflies flitting through the foliage.

But none of these things were quite funny enough to be the funniest word beginning with F. Fred felt frustrated and frazzled, wondering if he would ever find the perfect word.

Then, whilst fumbling through the forest, he came across a fabulously fascinating furry little ferret, flipping and flouncing around the flowers.

Fred felt a bit fearful at first. But then he fell about laughing. The ferret was just so funny-looking! It had far too many fingers and its flapping ears made it look like a furry fool.

"Who in the world are you?" asked Fred.

"I’m Fubbilly-Frubble-dee-Froo", said the ferret.

Fred laughed even harder. "Fubbilly-Frubble-dee-Froo?"

“Well, Fuddle-me-Duddle! That must be the funniest word I’ve ever heard beginning with F!"

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