Father Duvall


By Glen L. Bledsoe 

FATHER DUVALL, an itinerant priest, draws crowds to listen to him preach wherever he goes, whichever chapel, church, synagogue, temple, mosque, community center, manor or home invites him. He, in the company of his traveling companion Brother Neb (who in spite of being blind greets everyone he meets by name whether he has met them before or not), travel from village to village, town to town, crossing county and country borders, continents from century to century. 

Father Duvall speaks. Father Duvall takes confession. Father Duvall witnesses. Father Duvall listens and advises. Father Duvall chastens. Father Duvall investigates. Father Duvall aids those who need him in meaningful and life-changing ways. He sometimes is known by other names, other appearances, but his work is always the same.