The Guardian Angels

By Glen L. Bledsoe 

Every third Thursday of each month, year round, a group of women meet. Ostensibly they are a book club, but that is just for appearance sake. These women are watching those who don’t believe anyone knows or cares who they are. They watch the deserving who need a break. The watch the unrecognized talents who just keep trying. And when these women can they tip the scales in the favor of those unrecognized. These Guardian Angels aren’t everywhere. They don’t have chapters in every city. But they do what they can. Which means just because you don’t believe that someone is watching, don’t believe that your work and talents are being recognized, that doesn’t mean that you don’t have a Guardian Angel who is going to unobtrusively see to it that your talents and skills get what you have earned and richly deserve. Someone is always watching.

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