The Dreamweavers

by Martin Sercombe

In the dark of night, the forest comes alive with a strange and ethereal light.

It is a light that seems to come from nowhere and everywhere at once,

and it dances and flickers amongst the trees.

If you are lucky enough to be out in the forest at that time,

you might see the source of the light

strange creatures that float through the air.

They are translucent and iridescent, and pulse with a soft, hypnotic rhythm.

These creatures are the Dreamweavers,

and they have the power to turn light into music and music into light.

They weave their way through the forest,

creating a symphony of sound and colour

both mesmerizing and soothing.

As they glide through the forest,

they search for children having troubled dreams.

If they find any, they approach them quietly and with a gentle touch,

add happy, reassuring thoughts to the dream.

These children always wake up refreshed,

ready to face whatever new adventures the day might bring.

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