Hiding the Children

 By Glen L. Bledsoe 

The mother of my new student asked to speak to me in the hallway. She showed me a photograph of a man who could have been the winner of a Charlie Manson look-alike contest. She said, "If you ever see this man around the school immediately call the police. He is my children's father and he has sworn to sacrifice them to Satan."

My jaw fell open. Not the usual greetings exchanged between a parent and a teacher on a new student's first day.

She continued, "We've been moving from campground to campground, town to town trying to escape him for two years."

I looked back at the students through the door to my classroom. "I will see that your son is safe," I said, "and l'll talk to your daughter's teacher. We'll have a plan to hide them if necessary."

We did make a plan, but it was never implemented because within six weeks they had moved on. I have no idea whether they are still on the run or not.

True story, I'm sorry to say.

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