The Curse

By Glen L. Bledsoe

The story of how a group of Funnelbeaker tribespeople from the area which today is the Netherlands were driven south by a megadrought 1400 years BC must wait for another day. How Dooth their leader joined forces with Egypt to defeat the Sea Peoples must also be delayed as well as the history of the establishment of the brief but powerful Egypto-Dutch Empire.

Today the tale you will learn is how Arka-Arkitutti, Witch-Queen of the Sea Peoples cursed Dooth when her ships were sunken, and her army made slaves. How she blessed and cursed Dooth as she was about to die.

As Arka-Arkitutti stood bound to the stake she said, "Dooth, you are a mighty warrior and leader of your people. You have defeated me in spite of all my magics and charms. You and the Egyptian Pharaoh will build a mighty but short-lived empire. You and your wife Mar-Thol will live forever as is your reward. Your punishment: you will be separated, perpetually seeking one another across the world and across time. Dooth, while your heart continues to burn with love, you will be unable to remember your wife's face as she will be unable to remember yours. You may cross paths a thousand thousand times looking for each other and not recognize each other's features."

And so across time Dooth, now known as Father Duvall, searches without hope for his wife. He knows not to waste his immortality. He performs good deeds wherever and whenever he is.

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