The Marriage of Arnold Finley

 By Glen L Bledsoe

The Marriage of Arnold Finley painted by Eyk Van Jens circa 1433 has been the subject of little controversy since its discover in an attic of an abandoned home in Amsterdam more than 150 years ago. Most art historians view it as a simple picture representing the matrimonial bond between Arnold and Marie Finley. However more recently a group of speculative phenomenologists have proposed that it is the first record of what is called iPhone Brain Swap Syndrome (iPBSS). This occurs when two people (usually teens) share the tangly bits of iPhone earphones and due to the circuitry of the iPhone their conscious minds momentarily switch bodies. While the couple in the painting do have a certain vacant look on their faces they most certainly are not wearing a shared iPhone earphone. The technology hadn’t even been invented then and most people in those days used flip phones.

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