Spirits of the Forest

By Martin Sercombe

Deep in the heart of the forest, where the trees reach up to touch the sky and the earth is rich with the scent of moss and leaves, there lived two spirits. They were ancient beings, born of the land and the trees, and they had watched over the forest for as long as anyone could remember.

These two spirits shared many secrets with each other. They would meet at the base of a great oak tree and whisper softly to one another, their voices barely audible above the rustling of the leaves.

One day, as they sat beneath the oak tree, the first of the two spirits leaned in close to her friend and began to speak in a hushed tone. She told her of a hidden grove, where the light filtered through the leaves in a way that made everything seem enchanted. She spoke of the delicate wildflowers that grew there, of the soft hum of bees and the gentle fluttering of butterfly wings.

Her friend listened intently, her eyes shining with wonder as she listened to the tale. When it was finished, she whispered a secret of her own. She told her of a place where the forest gave way to a wide, sun-drenched meadow. She spoke of the way the grass rippled in the breeze, and of the colourful wildflowers that danced in the light. She told of a family of deer that lived there, and of the way they moved gracefully through the meadow.

And as they spoke, their voices grew softer and softer until they were little more than whispers, the forest around them seemed to come alive. A fox called to its mate, the birds sang their songs, and the air was filled with a soft, golden light.

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