The Invasion of the Veggie People

By Martin Sercombe


Opening shot: A lab assistant is shown pouring a mysterious green liquid into a beaker. The camera zooms in on the beaker as the liquid starts to bubble and fizz.

Lab Assistant: (to himself) This should do it! I'm finally going to create the ultimate vegetable hybrid!

Suddenly, the beaker starts to shake violently, and the green liquid spills out onto the lab bench.

The camera cuts to a close-up of the spilled liquid, which is now glowing and emitting a strange aura.

Lab Assistant: Uh oh. That doesn't look good.

Suddenly, a loud explosion is heard, and the lab assistant is thrown across the room.
The camera cuts to a wide shot of the lab, which is now in ruins. Smoke and debris fill the air.

Lab Assistant: (coughing and struggling to get up) What have I done?

As the smoke clears, strange figures start to emerge from the rubble. They are humanoid in shape but have the appearance of various vegetables.

Lab Assistant: (staring in disbelief) What are you?


Carrot Person: We are the veggie people!

Broccoli Person: And we have come to take over your world!

Lab Assistant: (in shock) But how is this possible?

Tomato Person: Your foolish experiments have created a new race of beings. And now, we will rule the earth!

Corn Person: (holding up a cob) And there's nothing you can do to stop us!

The camera cuts to a montage of the veggie people wreaking havoc on the city. Soon they succeed in dominating all of humanity.

The camera zooms in on the lab assistant's face looking relieved.

Lab Assistant: Well, as long as they believe I’m their god, I’m safe.

The screen fades to black, and the words "The End" appear in bold letters.

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