John the Baptist Dances for Peace


by Glen L. Bledsoe 

In the original version Salome danced for Herod on his birthday. Herod wanted to show how much he liked the dance (this was before favs) so he told her to pick out something on Amazon and he'd have it delivered. But (always a trouble-making word) Salome couldn't make up her mind between an e-scooter and a solar backup battery system so she asked her mother Herodias to help her pick. Herodias was having a bad day as we all sometimes do and said half-jokingly "How about John the Baptist's head on a platter?" never thinking for a moment anyone would take her seriously. Well, that didn't turn out well.

So in this version Herodias suggests that instead John the Baptist dances, which he was only too happy to oblige considering his option. He dances for peace as should we all. Inspired by Terry Riley's composition "Salome Dances for Peace." 

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