The Vision

By Martin Sercombe 


In the heart of the city was an old curiosity shop that had been there for many years. The shop was run by an old man who had a love for rare and peculiar objects. The walls were lined with antiques, strange trinkets, and unique artefacts.

In the corner of the store was an ancient lantern. It had been there for as long as the old man could remember. For many years, he had kept its magical powers a secret, but he had always felt that it was special. Whenever he felt lost, he would hold it close and speak to it like an old, trusted friend.

One day, a young lad named Hector wandered into the shop, fascinated by the oddities he saw in the window. He approached the old man and asked if he could take a closer look at the lantern. The old man, feeling a connection with the boy, allowed him to touch it.

As soon as Hector’s hand brushed against the metal, the lantern began to glow. He was captivated by its beauty and moved closer. A mysterious vision appeared, as scenes from a happy, successful future played out before him.

Hector was amazed and began to summon more details. The old man watched as the boy's eyes widened with excitement and wonder. Then suddenly the lantern’s vision turned dark and the mood in the shop chilled. A look of horror and anger crossed Hector’s face.
With a mumbled apology, he ran from the shop, looking very shaken and disturbed. He wished desperately he could erase this terrifying glimpse of his future destiny.

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