The Haiku Competition

 By Martin Sercombe


The competition for the perfect haiku was the talk of the town. Many famous poets had been invited to contribute their finest work to the competition, and each one had risen to the challenge. 

The day of the competition was a beautiful one, with the sun shining bright and the air filled with anticipation. The poets gathered on stage, ready to read their haikus to the rapt audience.

First Basho read his famous work:

an ancient pond

a frog jumps in

the splash of water

The audience sighed in admiration, knowing that this was one of the greatest haikus ever written.

Next was Buson, who read:

winter solitude

in a world of one colour

the sound of wind

The audience was transfixed by the haunting beauty of Buson's words.

One by one, the poets read their haikus. There was Issa, who wrote:

a winter’s day

 the faint sun casts

 the shadow of a crow

and Yosa, who wrote:

summer night 

even the stars

 are whispering to each other

Hokusai added:

amidst the stillness

a single leaf falls gently

autumn’s last goodbye


and Kyoshi read:

in the cherry bloom

a butterfly flutters

nature’s sweetest kiss

After all the haikus had been read, the judges retired to deliberate. They carefully considered each one, taking into account the form, the imagery, and the emotion. They finally decided that all the poems were of equal beauty, and gave out the prizes accordingly.

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