Parent-Teacher Conference with Mrs. Talbot

 By Glen L. Bledsoe 

Mr. Creighton sat down at a table across from a tired looking woman. He hated home visits, but this is what the school board now required of teachers, so he had no choice. She looked as if she were dressed in a Halloween fortune teller costume, even though it was early September and school had just started.

"Mrs. Talbot, I'm sorry to have to have to bring up this so early in the year, but I would like to talk to you about your son Larry."

"Larry, my son," she said with a mournful tone.

"Yes, Larry seems to be having trouble adjusting to school."

"Is he not doing his homework? If he refusing to do his math I will beat him until he can't sit down. I was never good at math in school, but he can do better."

Mr. Creighton held out a hand in protest. "No, it's not homework.

We usually don't give homework in first grade the first week of school."

"Is he wolfing down his lunch? I don't understand."

"No it's not that. If I had to put it in one sentence I'd have to say he doesn't play well with others."

Mrs. Talbot said, "In this he is just like his father. He needs to be engaged in sports. Do you have wrestling program?"

"I'm afraid we don't for first grade students. I'm not sure sports is the answer. Larry is... how shall I put it? Running around biting and scratching his fellow students."

Mrs. Talbot smiled. "Why didn't you say so? I will keep him home at the next full moon and that should solve the problem. Can you give me his homework to complete during this period of time? We may also wish to go on vacation."

"Gladly, Mrs. Talbot. Gladly."

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