The Song

By Martin Sercombe


The composer had been working on the song for years, pouring all of his emotion and creativity into every note and every chord. When it was finally finished, he knew that he had created something truly special.

He performed the song in front of a small audience, and the reaction was immediate. People wept openly, moved by the raw beauty of the melody. Some fell to their knees, overwhelmed by the intense emotions the music evoked. As news of the song spread, people from all over the world flocked to hear it. The composer became an overnight sensation, his name known and revered by millions.

As more and more people heard the song, strange things began to happen. People who had been estranged for years found themselves drawn together by the power of the music. Lovers were reunited, families were brought back together, and old wounds were finally healed.

But for every person who was moved by the song, there were others who were overwhelmed by its power. They became consumed by their emotions, unable to control the intense feelings that it stirred up. Some even became violent, lashing out at those around them in fits of rage or despair.

The composer realized, in horror, that he had unleashed a force that he could never hope to control.

So, he gradually stripped the song of its melody, performing a shorter, sparser version each time, until only a fragment remained. For his final performance, he played the one last remaining note. It rang out across the land, fading with the dying embers of the sun, never to be heard again.

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